Category: <span>Networking</span>

These are common computer networking acronyms that you must know and you will encounter if you are in Information Technology (IT) or Telecommunication (Telco) industry especially if your are working as network and systems engineer. Acronyms Meaning ACL Access Control List AD Advertised Distance AS Autonomous System ASA Adaptive Security Appliance ARP Address Resolution Protocol BER Bit Error Rate BGP Border Gateway Protocol CDN Content Delivery Network CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing CIR Committed Information Rate CLI Command Line Interpreter CMTS…


Network Address Translation or NAT, is a process of converting or translating a set of IP addresses to another set of IP addresses.  Benefits of NAT: Solve IPv4 exhaustion issue by conserving IP address space. Cost effective as can connect multiple devices to Internet without to purchase multiple public IP Enhance security by hiding the internal devices on a private network behind single public IP Simplifies network reconfiguration as internal IP  are hidden from external networks Easy to manage and…


According to, the word “mnemonics” a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.In the world of networking, for us to easily remember how technology works is by using mnemonics. Here are popular handy mnemonics that can help us. Emergency (0) Every Alert (1) Awesome Critical (2) Cisco Error (3) Engineer Warning (4) Will Notifications (5) Need Information (6) Ice-cream Debug (7) Daily 2. DHCP Process”DORA” Discover D Offer O Request R…


Here are the sample answers for interview for Network Engineer/Administrator/Technician job position. Top Networking Interview Questions and Answers Sample Questions Sample Answers     Differentiate between hub and switch. Hub has single collision domain and single broadcast domain, while Switch can support single broadcast domain and multiple collision domains. What is a router? Router is used to forward data packets to computer networks What are the OSI Model Layers? Give brief description and examples OSI or Open Systems Interconnection model…


  RFC or Request for Comments is a publication in a series from the principal technical development and standards-setting bodies for the Internet. It contains technical specifications and organizational for Internet and TCP/IP. It is produced by Internet Engineering Task Force or (IETF). Those members of Internet Society (ISOC) can submit RFCs for consideration. 5 Classifications of RFC which is reviewed by different technical groups. Required Recommended Elective Limited Use Not Recommended 3 Stages of Development or maturity levels based…


IANA or Internet Assigned Numbers Authority is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources including Autonomous System (AS) numbers used for routing Internet traffic. IANA established the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) to allocate IP address in geographical regions.There are total of five Regional Internet Registry (RIR) service regions currently. RIR RIR Name Service Region Website Established AFRINIC African Network Coordination Centre Africa 2005 APNIC Asia-Pacific Network Coordination Centre Asia Pacific,…


Network ports are software defined number  that is associated to a network protocol that transmits or receives or transmits communication for a specific application or service. It is used by Transport Layer of IP Suite, e.g. TCP & UDP. A port number is a 16-bit unsigned integer that ranges from 0 to 65535. There are 3 types of network ports. Port Range Port Types Description 0 – 1023 Well-know Ports For common TCP/IP applications (assigned and controlled) 1024 – 49151…


Network ports are software defined number  that is associated to a network protocol that transmits or receives or transmits communication for a specific application or service. It is used by Transport Layer of IP Suite, e.g. TCP & UDP. A port number is a 16-bit unsigned integer that ranges from 0 to 65535.There are 3 types of network ports. Port Range Port Types Description 0 – 1023 Well-know Ports For common TCP/IP applications (assigned and controlled) 1024 – 49151 Registered…


Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – is a connection-oriented communications protocol that is used to ensure reliable transmission of packets between computing devices in a network. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) – is a connection-less communications protocol that is used especially for time-sensitive and low latency transmissions across the network. Here’s a table of comparison: Parameter TCP UDP Protocol connection-oriented connection-less Header Size 20 bytes Static header 8 bytes Checksum Compulsory Optional Overhead Heavy as it needs 3 packets to setup a…


Some Useful 10GBASE Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) Transceiver Modules Model Distance Wavelength  Mode Medium Interface  Temp. SFP-10G-SR 300m 850nm Multimode Fiber Duplex LC 0-70℃ SFP-10G-LR 10km 1310nm Singlemode Fiber Duplex LC 0-70℃ SFP-10G-LRM 220m 1310nm Multimode Fiber Duplex LC 0-70℃ SFP-10G-ER 40km 1550nm Snglemode Fiber Duplex LC 0-70℃ SFP-10G-ZR 80km 1550nm Singlemode Fiber Duplex LC 0-70℃ Parameter 10GBASE-LR 10GBASE-ER 10GBASE-ZR Transmit Power (max) −1.0 dBm 2.0 dBm 4.0 dBm Transmit Power (min) −6.0 dBm −1.0 dBm 0.0 dBm Receive power…
