Tag: <span>networking</span>

These are common computer networking acronyms that you must know and you will encounter if you are in Information Technology (IT) or Telecommunication (Telco) industry especially if your are working as network and systems engineer. Acronyms Meaning ACL Access Control List AD Advertised Distance AS Autonomous System ASA Adaptive Security Appliance ARP Address Resolution Protocol BER Bit Error Rate BGP Border Gateway Protocol CDN Content Delivery Network CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing CIR Committed Information Rate CLI Command Line Interpreter CMTS…


According to dictionary.com, the word “mnemonics” a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.In the world of networking, for us to easily remember how technology works is by using mnemonics. Here are popular handy mnemonics that can help us. Emergency (0) Every Alert (1) Awesome Critical (2) Cisco Error (3) Engineer Warning (4) Will Notifications (5) Need Information (6) Ice-cream Debug (7) Daily 2. DHCP Process”DORA” Discover D Offer O Request R…


Here are the sample answers for interview for Network Engineer/Administrator/Technician job position. Top Networking Interview Questions and Answers Sample Questions Sample Answers     Differentiate between hub and switch. Hub has single collision domain and single broadcast domain, while Switch can support single broadcast domain and multiple collision domains. What is a router? Router is used to forward data packets to computer networks What are the OSI Model Layers? Give brief description and examples OSI or Open Systems Interconnection model…


Here’s a comparison table between the two network models: Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) vs Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Similarities: both are defined in layered architecture both define standards for networking both are logical models both provide framework for creation and implementation of  networking standards and devices both models simplify network troubleshooting process Differences: OSI is protocol independent standard while TCP/IP model is based on standard protocols which Internet has developed OSI model is developed by International Standard Organization (ISO)…
