Tag: <span>Cisco</span>

  Cisco uses RPL (Route Policy Language) while Huawei uses XPL (Extended Route Policy language). Basically they are the same concept but of course the commands are slightly different, though editing the policy or prefix-set requires vi/vim knowlege. Cisco IOS-XR RPL Huawei NE40E XPL Adding Prefix-Set:prefix-set FNT-Prefixes, Adding Prefix-Set:xpl ip-prefix-list FNT-Prefixes192.168.0.0 24, 23end-list Creating Route Policy:route-policy FNT-EXPORT  if (destination in FNT-Prefixes) then    prepend as-path 65555 2  endifend-policy Creating Route Policy:xpl route-filter FNT-EXPORT  if ip route-destination in FNT-Prefixes then  …

Cisco Huawei

Here are common and useful Cisco IOS-XR commands to check any hardware-related information. General/Overall: admin show inventory chassis admin show inventory all admin show inventory rack admin show environment all admin show environment alarms admin show diag admin show diag chassis admin show hw-module fpd location all admin show environment trace admin show platform admin show platform summary location all show pfm location all show inventory trace error show shelfmgr trace show controllers i2c server trace Power Supply: admin show…


Here’s the sample configuration for setting up the management port for different router platforms using static route. Assuming we have this IP configuration:RSP0/RE0 Physical IP : Physical IP: Virtual IP: Gateway: Note: It is advisable to connect the management plane connectivity to another network separate from data/voice network. Steps Cisco IOS-XR Cisco NX-OS Juniper OS Huawei Create VRF #vrf management#vrf management description MNGMT#vrf management address-family ipv4 unicast N/A #set system management-instance#set routing-instances mgmt_junos description MNGMT #ip…

Cisco Huawei Juniper

Scenario:2 physical interfaces bundled together (port-channel) and associated in the same vlan. Tested in:Cisco NexusJuniper EX Series Steps Cisco Juniper Configure 2 physical interfaces interface Ethernet1/1description Server Link#1switchportswitchport access vlan 888channel-group 99 mode activeno shutdown interface Ethernet2/1description Server Link#2switchportswitchport access vlan 888channel-group 99 mode activeno shutdown #set interfaces xe-0/0/0 description ” Server Link#1 “#set interfaces xe-0/0/0 gigether-options 802.3ad ae99 #set interfaces xe-1/0/0 description ” Server Link#2 “#set interfaces xe-1/0/0 gigether-options 802.3ad ae99 Configure the port-channel interface port-channel99description Server Port-channelswitchportswitchport access…

Cisco Juniper

uRPF or Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding is a security feature/tool that help verifies reachability of source address in packets being forwarded. It can prevents malicious and spoofing attacks as it will perform forwarding table lookup on the source IP address. – it as defined in RFC3704 – it follows RFC2827 for ingress filtering. –  it relies on the CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding) or FIB table to perform lookups. – preferably implemented at the network edge facing internet, customers and servers…


As per Cisco documentation, Smart Call Home offers proactive diagnostics and real-time alerts on select Cisco devices, which provides higher network availability and increased operational efficiency. There are few ways on sending these alerts, it can be either by email or http. Sample Configuration using Email Method: callhome contract-id [value] switch-priority 7 email-contact [email-address] phone-contact [phone number] streetaddress [address] distribute destination-profile [PROFILENAME] destination-profile [PROFILENAME] format XML destination-profile [PROFILENAME] message-size [value] destination-profile [PROFILENAME] message-level 2 destination-profile [PROFILENAME] email-addr callhome@cisco.com destination-profile [PROFILENAME]…


As per Cisco documentation: A virtual PortChannel (vPC) allows links that are physically connected to two different Cisco Nexus devices to appear as a single Port Channel to a third device. The third device can be a Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extender or a switch, server, or any other networking device. A vPC can provide Layer 2 multipathing, which allows you to create redundancy by increasing bandwidth, enabling multiple parallel paths between nodes and load-balancing traffic where alternative paths…


Link Aggregation Control Protocol or  IEEE 802.3ad (LACP) is an open standard of Ethernet link aggregation protocol. It is a method used by routers/switches to automatically establish link aggregation groups or LAG ( sometimes called as channel groups, bundle or port-channels). Here’s LACP configuration examples for different Cisco platforms using LACP active mode, where it places a port into an active negotiating state and sending LACPDU (Data units) at regular intervals to seek out partners IOS (Catalyst 4500) Configuration: interface…


As per Cisco definition: Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) provides redundancy for IP networks, ensuring that user traffic immediately and transparently recovers from first hop router failures. HSRP allows multiple routers on a single LAN to share a virtual IP and MAC address which is configured as the default gateway on the hosts. From the group of routers configured in an HSRP group, there is one router elected as the active router and another as a standby router. The active…


As per Cisco documentation, Smart Call Home offers proactive diagnostics and real-time alerts on select Cisco devices, which provides higher network availability and increased operational efficiency. There are few ways on sending these alerts, it can be either by email or http. Sample Configuration using Email Method call-home service active sender reply-to <sender-email-address> sender from <sender-email-address> mail-server <SMTP Server IP> priority <1-100> phone-number <+contact person phone number> contact-email-addr <contact-person-email-add> street-address “<street add,city,state,zipcode> profile <profilename> active destination address email <dest-email-address> destination…
