Cisco Nexus Smart Call Home Configuration using Email

As per Cisco documentation, Smart Call Home offers proactive diagnostics and real-time alerts on select Cisco devices, which provides higher network availability and increased operational efficiency. There are few ways on sending these alerts, it can be either by email or http.

Sample Configuration using Email Method:

contract-id [value]
switch-priority 7
email-contact [email-address]
phone-contact [phone number]
streetaddress [address]
destination-profile [PROFILENAME]
destination-profile [PROFILENAME] format XML
destination-profile [PROFILENAME] message-size [value]
destination-profile [PROFILENAME] message-level 2
destination-profile [PROFILENAME] email-addr
destination-profile [PROFILENAME] alert-group all
transport email from [email address]
transport email reply-to [email address]
transport email smtp-server [SMTP Server IP] port 25 use-vrf management
duplicate-message throttle
periodic-inventory notification
periodic-inventory notification interval 7
periodic-inventory notification timeofday 08:00


show callhome
show callhome transport
show callhome session status

Sample Output:

NEXUS-SWITCH# show callhome

callhome enabled
Callhome Information:
contact person name(sysContact)
contact person’s
contact person’s phone number: +1-1234567890
street addr:FNT
site id:
customer id:
contract id:11111111
switch priority:7
duplicate message throttling : enabled
periodic inventory : enabled
periodic inventory time-period : 7 days
periodic inventory timeofday : 08:00 (HH:MM)
Distribution : Enabled

NEXUS-SWITCH# show callhome transport
http vrf:default

from email
reply to email

smtp server:
smtp server port:25
smtp server vrf:management
smtp server priority:0

http proxy server:
http proxy server port:
http proxy status:Disabled

NEXUS-SWITCH# show callhome session status
Last Action Time Stamp : Mon Aug 08 03:03:47 2020
Last Action : Commit
Last Action Result : Success
Last Action Failure Reason : none

[Optional] For SNMP Traps:

snmp-server enable traps callhome event-notify
snmp-server enable traps callhome smtp-send-fail

For Call Home Configuration for Cisco ASR9000 or CRS running IOS-XR, refer to this link –> Cisco IOS-XR Smart Call Home Configuration using Email and HTTP

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