OSI vs TCP/IP Network Models Comparison

Here’s a comparison table between the two network models: Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) vs Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)


  • both are defined in layered architecture
  • both define standards for networking
  • both are logical models
  • both provide framework for creation and implementation of  networking standards and devices
  • both models simplify network troubleshooting process


  • OSI is protocol independent standard while TCP/IP model is based on standard protocols which Internet has developed
  • OSI model is developed by International Standard Organization (ISO) whereas TCP/IP model is developed by Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET)
  • OSI has separate Presentation and Session Layer while TCP/IP model does not have
  • OSI’s Transport Layer is connection oriented while TCP/IP model is both connection oriented and connection less
  • OSI’s Network Layer is both connection oriented and connection less while TCP/IP’s Network Layer is connection less
  • OSI has 7 layers while TCP/IP model has only 4 layers
  • OSI model follows vertical approach whereas TCP/IP model follows horizontal approach
  • OSI model can help to standardize networking hardware whereas TCPC/IP model can help to establish a connection between different types of computers/systems/devices.
  • OSI header minimum size is 5 bytes whereas TCP/IP model is 20 bytes
Data Types OSI Protocols TCP/IP Data Types
Data Application HTTP,FTP,SMTP Application Data
Presentation MPEG,ASCII,JPEG
Segments Transport TCP,UDP Transport Segments
Packets Network IP,ICMP,IGMP Internet Packets
Frames Data Link STP,CDP,ARP Network Interface Bits and Frames
Bits Physical RS232,UTP,Fibers

Note: There is an updated 5 layered TCP/IP model which Network Interface layer is separated to Physical and Data Link

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