As per Cisco website definition: Control Plane Policing (CoPP) is a Cisco IOS-wide feature designed to allow users to manage the flow of traffic handled by the route processor of their network devices. CoPP is designed to prevent unnecessary traffic from overwhelming the route processor that, if left unabated, could affect system performance. Here’s a sample configuration in applying Control Plane Policing (CoPP) in Cisco IOS Routers Step1: Create necessary ACLs a. Important services,e.g.NTP,SSH,SNMP ip access-list extended SSH-ACL permit…
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Configuring Juniper to authenticate (also including authorization and accounting) to Tacacs+ server – Tacacs+ AAA server – Loopback IP Juniper: system { host-name JUNIPER-ROUTER1; } authentication-order [ tacplus password ]; root-authentication { encrypted-password “$r00tp44sw0rdh3r3/1”; ## SECRET-DATA } tacplus-server { { secret “$4ut0g3n3r4t3t4c4c5p455w0rd1”; ## SECRET-DATA single-connection; source-address; } } accounting { events interactive-commands; destination { tacplus { server { { secret “$4ut0g3n3r4t3t4c4c5p455w0rd2”; ## SECRET-DATA single-connection; source-address; } } firewall { family inet { filter FIREWALL-RE…
SSH Configuration Examples in Juniper(JunOS) Here are the configuration examples: whereas: = Jumphost IP (Allowed IP to SSH into the device) system { services { ssh { root-login deny; protocol-version v2; connection-limit 5; rate-limit 5; policy-options { prefix-list PERMIT-SSH {; } firewall { family inet { filter PROTECT-ENGINE { term PERMIT-SSH { from { source-prefix-list { ALLOWED-IP; } protocol tcp; port [ ssh ]; } then { count PERMIT-SSH; accept; } } term DENY-SSH { from { protocol…
Juniper darwin@vMX-1>configure darwin@vMX-1#set system login message “\n*************************************************************************\n UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO THIS DEVICE IS PROHIBITED\n\nYou must have explicit, authorized permission to access or configure this \ndevice.Unauthorized attempts and actions to access or use this system may \nresult in civil and/or criminal penalties.\nAll activities performed on this device are logged and monitored.\n\n*************************************************************************\n\n” darwin@vMX-1#commit As per Juniper website, message can be formatted using these following characters: \n—New line \t—Horizontal tab \’—Single quotation mark \”—Double quotation mark \\—Backslash Sample output:
Step1. Configure EXPORTER MAP set services flow-monitoring version9 template NETFLOW_MONITOR template-refresh-rate seconds 15 set services flow-monitoring version9 template NETFLOW_MONITOR option-refresh-rate seconds 15 set services flow-monitoring version9 template NETFLOW_MONITOR ipv4-template Step2. Configure MONITOR MAP set forwarding-options sampling instance NETFLOW_INSTANCE family inet output flow-server port 9991 set forwarding-options sampling instance NETFLOW_INSTANCE family inet output flow-server source-address set forwarding-options sampling instance NETFLOW_INSTANCE family inet output flow-server version9 template NETFLOW_MONITOR set forwarding-options sampling instance NETFLOW_INSTANCE family inet output inline-jflow source-address…
Here’s the sample configuration of Netflow in Cisco running IOS and Nexus-OS. Cisco IOS-XR: The NetFlow use these 3 maps to configure Step1. EXPORTER MAP – configure parameters like export destination IP, udp port (only supported transport protocol), source interface IPv4: flow exporter-map NETFLOW-EXPORTER-MAP version v9 transport udp 9991 source Loopback0 destination IPv6: flow exporter-map IPv6-NETFLOW-EXPORTER-MAP version v9 transport udp 9991 source Loopback0 destination Note: destination udp port can be from <1024-65535>…
Here’s sample firewall configuration in protecting the box and its services. ICMP: ICMP message types are essential for network administration and troubleshooting. There are quite a number of ICMP parameters, you can refer to IANA ICMP Parameters for the list or if you want to learn more details about ICMP can refer to RFC792. Here’s the 4 types I consider useful for troubleshooting and need to be allowed.Type 0 — Echo Reply –> response from target to host Type 8 — Echo Request–>…
Why is considered hidden? Because you won’t see it in the command in Cisco Routers Command Line Interface (CLI). Sample output: RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:CORE1#ser? service RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:CORE1#service ? redundancy Service Director related commands. Then what it is? service unsupported-transceiver Configuration: Cisco IOS-XE Router1(config)#service unsupported-transceiver Warning: When Cisco determines that a fault or defect can be traced to the use of third-party transceivers installed by a customer or reseller, then, at Cisco’s discretion, Cisco may withhold support under warranty or a Cisco support…
Objective: The PBR policy will be removed facing Uplink-Router once it detected that the server is unreachable. Policy-based routing (PBR) is a method used to make routing decisions based on policies. Scenario: Server1 providing web caching to customers for faster web page loading. Since there is route-map in place to route their http/https traffic to the next hop which is Server1, what if this server suddenly goes down?, the expected behaviour is the customer won’t be able to access websites.…
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