Here’s the Cisco IOS-XR commands vs Huawei OS commands Cisco IOS-XR Huawei BASIC show display | include | include exit quit end return ..formal | configure system-view shutdown shutdown no shutdown undo shutdown no undo clear reset show running-config display current-configuration show version display version show tech-support display diagnostic-information show configuration (after change) display configuration candidate clear counters <interface> reset counters <int> clear line <line><line number> terminal length <num> screen-length <0-512>…
Category: <span>Networking</span>
Here’s the Cisco IOS-XR commands vs Juniper OS commands Cisco IOS-XR Juniper OS BASIC show show | include | match ..formal | display set configure configure/edit shutdown disable no shutdown delete interface <interface> disable no delete clear clear show running-config show configuration show version show version show tech-support request support information show configuration (after change) show | compare (after change) clear counters <interface> clear interface…
I really find this post from user “jlim13” from ( useful in understanding where to apply the ACL. In order to brush off your confusion, think for a moment that you are a router, your left hand is the WAN and your right hand is the LAN. Whenever you say Ingress, it means traffic is towards you, depending on the hand you are looking at. When you upload data to the internet its going out of your local network so…
100G transceivers have been around for few years already and it is getting affordable since 2016 I guess, and it is now practical to shift to 100G instead of burning N x 10GEs. To see more info about 100G transmission principles, I find this link very informative -> Here are sample 100G transceivers we deployed in our datacenters, it really depends on what type of vendor or hardware you have, but the most popular now is the QSFPs Juniper QSFP-100GBASE-LR4…
Here is the most popular Mnemonic for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for Best Path Selection. This helps to easily remember on how BGP choosing its best path instead of memorizing it. “We Love Oranges AS Oranges Mean Pure Refreshment” W Weight (Highest) L LOCAL_PREF (Highest) O Originate (local) routes that are advertise through the “network” command or redistributed from an IGP. AS AS_PATH (shortest) O ORIGIN Code (IGP > EGP > Incomplete) M MED (lowest) P Paths (External > Internal) R RID (lowest)
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