Here’s a comparison table between the two network models: Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) vs Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Similarities: both are defined in layered architecture both define standards for networking both are logical models both provide framework for creation and implementation of networking standards and devices both models simplify network troubleshooting process Differences: OSI is protocol independent standard while TCP/IP model is based on standard protocols which Internet has developed OSI model is developed by International Standard Organization (ISO)…
Tag: <span>OSI</span>
OSI or Open Systems Interconnection model consists of 7 Layers that describes how telecommunication or computing systems use to communicate or operate over a network. It was the first standard model for network communications and still widely used for network isolation and troubleshooting. Layers Functions / Applications Data Types Examples (7) Application End User / Desktop-Mail Services-Directory Services-Network Virtual Terminal-File transfer access/management Data HTTP,SMTP,FTP,SSH,DNS,Telnet,IMAP,POP3,LDAP,HTTPs,TFTP (6) Presentation Syntax/ Data Representation-Translation-Encryption/Decryption (plain to cipher text)-Compression Data ASCII,JPEG,MPEG,GIF,EBDIC (5) Session Dialog Coordination-Session establishment/maintenance/termination-Synchronization-Dialog…
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