Interface description is one of the most important configuration when bringing up interfaces between two devices. In a bundle or port-channel interface, there is a way to find the partner interface or which member in that bundle is your interface or port is connected especially if there’s no description or outdated. Here are the steps and commands to find LACP partner interface or port in Cisco Router and Switch Fig1.1 (Cisco IOS-XR) Assuming we have this Fig1.1, two…
Tag: <span>LACP</span>
Link Aggregation Control Protocol orĀ IEEE 802.3ad (LACP) is an open standard of Ethernet link aggregation protocol. It is a method used by routers/switches to automatically establish link aggregation groups or LAG ( sometimes called as channel groups, bundle or port-channels). Here’s LACP configuration examples for different Cisco platforms using LACP active mode, where it places a port into an active negotiating state and sending LACPDU (Data units) at regular intervals to seek out partners IOS (Catalyst 4500) Configuration: interface…
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