Tag: <span>bundle</span>

Interface description is one of the most important configuration when bringing up interfaces between two devices. In a bundle or port-channel interface, there is a way to find the partner interface or which member in that bundle is your interface or port is connected especially if there’s no description or outdated. Here are the steps and commands to find LACP partner interface or port in Cisco Router and Switch Fig1.1 (Cisco IOS-XR)     Assuming we have this Fig1.1, two…


This is a sample steps of migrating IP configuration from physical interface to bundle interface. Take note that this may result service impact during the migration as the existing interface need to be shutdown and re-configure. Remember to shift your traffic prior with the maintenance. Existing Config: freenetwork@MX1-re0> show configuration interfaces et-0/0/1 description “Link to Switch1”; unit 0 { family inet { address; } family inet6 { address fdf8:d3f5:1a47:bc09::1/64; } Fig.1 Shutdown the physical interface and remove existing configuration…
