IANA or Internet Assigned Numbers Authority is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources including Autonomous System (AS) numbers used for routing Internet traffic. IANA established the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) to allocate IP address in geographical regions.
There are total of five Regional Internet Registry (RIR) service regions currently.
RIR | RIR Name | Service Region | Website | Established |
AFRINIC | African Network Coordination Centre | Africa | https://www.afrinic.net | 2005 |
APNIC | Asia-Pacific Network Coordination Centre | Asia Pacific, Australia, New Zealand | https://www.apnic.net | 1993 |
ARIN | American Registry for Internet Numbers | Canada, USA, and some Caribbean Islands | https://www.arin.net | 1997 |
LACNIC | Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry | Latin America and some Caribbean Islands | https://www.lacnic.net | 2002 |
RIPE NCC | Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre | Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia | https://www.ripe.net | 1992 |
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