Huawei Health Check Commands

These are the some commands being used when performing network change or maintenance, depending on the features or services being run in the network. Typically, this is very useful in verification, troubleshooting and comparison between before and after the change.

Commands Description Category
screen-length 0 temporary display none split screen (useful in collecting info without pause) Basic Command
display health display usage information of system resources Resources
display cpu-usage display usage of CPU Resources
display alarm all display all alarms Alarms
display alarm active display active alarms Alarms
display temperature display the temperature Hardware
display voltage display the voltageq Hardware
dir /all-filesystems list files on all filesystems Storage
dir cfcard: list on cfcard: file system Storage
dir slave#cfcard: list on slave#cfcard: file system Storage
display elabel display board manufacture information Board Info
display device display device information Board Info
display device pic-status display device PIC card status Board Info
display module-information display the module information Hardware
display esn display equipment serial number Hardware
display paf display PAF(Product Adaptive File) Hardware
display license display license file License
display license resource usage port-basic all display all port basic license License
display current-configuration display the current configuration Configuration
display startup display startup configuration information Configuration
display version display hardware and software version information Hardware/Software
display patch-information display patch information Software
display patch-information history display patch history information Software
display clock display system clock Hardware/Software
display switchover state display HA-slave to master state Configuration
display interface display information of interfaces Interface
display interface brief list interface status and
display ip routing-table display the IP routing table Routing
display ip routing-table statistics display summary stats of all IPv4 routes Routing
display ipv6 routing-table statistics display summary stats of all IPv6 routes Routing
display ipv6 neighbors display IPv6 neighbor cache entries Routing
display isis peer display ISIS neighbor IGP
display ospf peer display OSPF neighbor IGP
display ospfv3 peer display OSPFv3(IPv6) neighbor IGP
display bgp peer display BGP IPv4 neighbor BGP
display bgp ipv6 peer display BGP IPv6 neighbor BGP
display bgp vpnv4 all peer display BGP VPNv4 peer routers BGP
display bgp vpnv6 all peer display BGP VPNv6 peer routers BGP
display ip vpn-instance display VPN instance BGP
display bgp evpn peer display BGP EVPN neighbor BGP
display bgp routing-table statistics display BGP total IPv4 total no. of routes BGP
display bgp ipv6 routing-table statistics display BGP total IPv6 total no. of routes BGP
display bgp vpnv4 all routing-table statistics display BGP VPNv4 IPv6 total no. of routes BGP
display bgp vpnv6 all routing-table statistics display BGP VPNv6 IPv6 total no. of routes BGP
display fib slot <x> statistics all display summary of IPv4 FIB items FIB
display ipv6 fib statistics all display summary of IPv6 FIB items FIB
display arp statistics all  display statistics about ARP entries ARP
display mac-address summary display of summary of MAC address MAC
display mpls te tunnel-interface display MPLS TE tunnel interface MPLS-TE
display mpls ldp peer diplay MPLS LDP peer MPLS LDP/LSP
display mpls ldp session all display MPLS LDP session MPLS LDP/LSP
display mpls ldp lsp statistics display MPLS LDP LSP session MPLS LDP/LSP
display mpls lsp statistics display MPLS LSP stats MPLS LDP/LSP
display mpls mldp lsp statistics display MPLS MLDP LSP stats MPLS LDP/LSP
display vrrp brief display VRRP summary VRRP
display vrrp admin-vrrp display config info of the admin VRRP VRRP
display bfd session all display BFD session BFD
display bfd statistics display BFD statistics BFD
display mpls l2vc brief display MPLS L2VPN LDP VC summary VLL
display mpls static-l2vc brief display MPLS Static layer 2 virtual circuit over MPLS summary VLL
display mpls switch-l2vc brief display MPLS switch-l2vc configuration summary VLL
display l2vpn ccc-interface vc-type all display all L2VPN CCC encapsulation interfaces VLL
display multicast forwarding-table statistics display Multicast forwarding table stats Multicast
display pim routing-table brief display PIM routing table summary Multicast
display igmp interface display IGMP interface Multicast
display pim interface display PIM interface Multicast
display vsi Virtual Switching Instance (VSI) status and config info VPLS
display stp brief display Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) summary STP
display tunnel-info statistics display tunnel information statistics Tunnel
display aaa configuration display AAA configuration AAA
display aaa statistics display AAA statistics AAA
display bas-interface  display access interface information Users
display max-onlineusers    display max online users since startup Users
display access-user slot <x> display online user by slot Users
display aaa online-fail-record brief display AAA Online-fail-record summary Users
display aaa abnormal-offline-record brief display AAA abnormal-offline-record summary Users
display aaa offline-record brief display AAA offline-record Switch Users
display access-user  display online user Users
display access-user user-type dhcp  summary display online user based on DHCP user type Users
display access-user user-type dual-stack summary display online user based on dual stack summary Users
display access-user user-type ipv4 summary display online user based on IPv4 summary Users
display access-user user-type ipv6 summary display online user based on IPv6 summary Users
display access-user user-type lac summary display online user based on LAC summary Users
display access-user user-type lns summary display online user based on LNS summary Users
display access-user user-type pppoe summary display online user based on PPPOE summary Users
display dhcp-server group display dhcp-server group information DHCP
display domain display the domain Domain
display qos resource user-queue outbound display QOS resource user queue outbound QOS
display l2-multicast-channel display L2-NAT L2 Multicast
display l2-multicast forwarding-table vsi <VSI name> display l2-multicast forwarding-table VSI L2 Multicast
display l2tp tunnel displayL2TP tunnel status and config info L2TP
display ike sa  display IKE(Internet Key Exchange) SA IPSEC
display ipsec sa display IPsec SA IPSEC
display ipsec statistics display IPsec stats IPSEC

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