Note: This steps are based on bridge domain/VPLS setup on Cisco ASR 9000 running Cisco IOS-XR. For normal routed interfaces, you can find it using the command:
show arp <interface>
Scenario 1: IP address is given, find which interface it is connected
IP address:
a. Find the routing entry for the IP to know where it is connected
show route <IP>
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR9K#show route
Routing entry for
Known via “connected”, distance 0, metric 0 (connected)
Installed May 16 16:14:23.050 for 04:01:46
Routing Descriptor Blocks
directly connected, via BVI888
Route metric is 0
No advertising protos.
Note: From the output above, we found out that is routed via Bridge Virtual Interface 888 (BVI888)
b. Show the arp for the interface
show arp <interface>
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR9K#show arp BVI888
Address Age Hardware Addr State Type Interface – f217.43fd.f866 Interface ARPA BVI888 02:17:16 a111.b222.c333 Dynamic ARPA BVI888 00:02:25 d444.e555.f666 Dynamic ARPA BVI888
Note: From the output above, we found out that the IP mac address is d444.e555.f666 , now we need to find now where the interface it is connected.
c. Show the configuration of the interface to see which bridge group/domain it is configured.
show run formal | i <string>
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR9K#show run formal | i BVI888
Building configuration…
interface BVI888
interface BVI888 description Server Farm1
interface BVI888 ipv4 address
l2vpn bridge group 9999 bridge-domain 9999 routed interface BVI888
Note: From the output above, we found out that bridge-domain is 9999 for routed interface BVI888
d. Use this command to find the which interface that the given mac address is learned from.
show l2vpn forwarding bridge-domain <bridge group_name: bridge domain_name> mac-address location 0/x/CPU0
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR9K#show l2vpn forwarding bridge-domain 9999 :9999 mac-address d444.e555.f666 location 0/1/CPU0
Mac Address Type Learned from/Filtered on LC learned Age Mapped to
d444.e555.f666 dynamic Gi0/1/0/1 0/1/CPU0 0d 0h 0m 0s N/A
Note: From the output above, we found out that mac address d444.e555.f666 is connected to interface Gi0/1/0/1
Scenario 2: MAC address is given, find where is being learned by what interface
MAC address: a111.b222.c333
show l2vpn forwarding bridge-domain <bridge group_name: bridge domain_name> mac-address location 0/x/CPU0
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ASR9K#show l2vpn forwarding bridge-domain 9999 :9999 mac-address a111.b222.c333 location 0/1/CPU0
Mac Address Type Learned from/Filtered on LC learned Age Mapped to
a111.b222.c333 dynamic Gi0/1/0/0 0/1/CPU0 0d 0h 0m 0s N/A
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