Tag: <span>vty</span>

SSH Configuration Examples inĀ  Huawei Router Here are the configuration examples: whereas: = Jumphost IP (Allowed IP to SSH into the device) Enable the SSH service stelnet server enable 2. Configure key exchange algorithm ssh server key-exchange { dh_group_exchange_sha256 dh_group_exchange_sha1 ecdh_sha2_nistp256 ecdh_sha2_nistp384 ecdh_sha2_nistp521 sm2_kep} 3. Configure encryption algorithm ssh server cipher { aes256_ctr aes128_ctr aes256_cbc aes128_cbc 3des_cbc } 4. Configure HMAC algorithm ssh server hmac { md5 | md5_96 | sha1 | sha1_96 | sha2_256 | sha2_256_96 } 5.…
