Tag: <span>OSI model</span>

  Here’s you can choose to remember the 7 Layers of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) From Application to Physical: (A)pplication (A)ll (P)resentation (P)eople (S)ession (S)eem (T)ransport (T)o (N)etwork (N)eed (D)ata Link (D)ata (P)hysical (P)rocessing Some other Mnemonics are: A Penguin Said That Nobody Drinks PepsiA Priest Saw Two Nuns Doing PushupsAll Pros Search Top Notch Donut Places From Physical to Application: (P)hysical (P)lease (D)ata Link (D)o (N)etwork (N)ot (T)ransport (T)hrow (S)ession (S)ausage (P)resentation (P)izza (A)pplication (A)way Some other Mnemonics are:…
