LACP Configuration on Cisco IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR and NX-OS

Link Aggregation Control Protocol or  IEEE 802.3ad (LACP) is an open standard of Ethernet link aggregation protocol. It is a method used by routers/switches to automatically establish link aggregation groups or LAG ( sometimes called as channel groups, bundle or port-channels).

Here’s LACP configuration examples for different Cisco platforms using LACP active mode, where it places a port into an active negotiating state and sending LACPDU (Data units) at regular intervals to seek out partners

IOS (Catalyst 4500)

interface Port-channel<X>
description <description>

interface TenGigabitEthernet<Y/Y>
description <description>
channel-group <X>  mode active
 no shutdown


show int port-channel<X>
show etherchannel <X> summary
show etherchannel <X> detail
show etherchannel port-channel
show lacp <X> neighbor
show lacp <X> internal detail



interface Port-channel<X>
description <description>

interface GigabitEthernet<Y/Y/Y>
 description <description>
no ip address
channel-group <X>  mode active
 no shutdown


show int port-channel<X>
show etherchannel summary
show lacp <X> neighbor
show lacp <X> internal detail



interface Bundle-Ether<X>
 description <description>
 ipv4 address <ipv4>
 ipv6 address <ipv6>

interface HundredGigE<Y/Y/Y/Y>
 description <description>
 bundle id <X>  mode active
 no shutdown


show int bundle-ether<X>
show bundle bundle-ether<X>
show lacp bundle-ether<X>
show lacp <interface>


NX-OS (Nexus 7K/9K)

interface port-channel<X>
 description <description>
 ip address <ipv4>
 ipv6 address <ipv6>

interface Ethernet<Y/Y>
 description <description>
 channel-group <X>  mode active
 no shutdown


show int port-channel<X>
show port-channel summary
show lacp port-channel interface port-channel <X>
show lacp interface ethernet <Y/Y>

One Comment

  1. YMusic App said:

    Great article! The step-by-step guide for LACP configuration across different Cisco platforms is really helpful. I appreciate the clear examples provided for IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR, and NX-OS. This will definitely aid in streamlining my network setup. Thanks for sharing!

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