ACL Configuration on Cisco ASR9000 (IOS-XR) using object-group

Here are the step by step configuration of implementing Access-Lists or ACL on Cisco routers such as ASR9000 running on IOS-XR, utilizing the object-group for simplicity and convenience.

1.Create object-group

object-group network ipv4 allowed_ip

object-group port allowed_port
eq ssh

2. Create ACL

ipv4 access-list ACL88
10 permit tcp net-group allowed_ip any port-group allowed_port
20 deny tcp any any port-group allowed_port
30 permit ipv4 any any

3. Apply ACL

interface Te0/0/0/0
ipv4 access-group ACL88 egress


show object-group network ipv4 allowed_ip
show object-group port allowed_port
show access-lists ACL88
show access-lists ACL88 expanded
show access-lists ACL88 object-groups
show access-lists ACL88 usage pfilter location all

Sample Output:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:CISCO-IOSXR#show object-group network ipv4 allowed_ip

object-group network ipv4 allowed_ip

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:CISCO-IOSXR#show object-group port allowed_port

object-group port allowed_port
eq 22

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:CISCO-IOSXR#show access-lists ACL88

ipv4 access-list ACL88
10 permit tcp net-group allowed_ip any port-group allowed_port
20 deny tcp any any port-group allowed_port
30 permit ipv4 any any

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:CISCO-IOSXR#show access-lists ACL88 expanded

ipv4 access-list ACL88
10 permit tcp any eq ssh
20 deny tcp any any eq ssh
30 permit ipv4 any any

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:CISCO-IOSXR#show access-lists ACL88 object-groups

ACL Name : ACL88
Network Object-group :
Total 1
Port Object-group :
Total 1

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:CISCO-IOSXR#show access-lists ACL88 usage pfilter location all

Interface : TenGigE0/0/0/0
Input ACL : N/A
Output ACL : ACL88


Here’s an equivalent ACL configuration on Huawei Router –> ACL Configuration on Huawei Router using IP and Source Pool

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