Juniper Health Check Commands

These are the some commands being used when performing network change or maintenance, depending on the features or services being run in the network. Typically, this is very useful in verification, troubleshooting and comparison between before and after the change.

#Log Time
set cli timestamp
set cli screen-width 200
show ntp associations no-resolve | no-more
show ntp status no-resolve | no-more
## Hardware Status
show chassis hardware | no-more
show chassis hardware clei-models | no-more
show chassis hardware detail | no-more
show chassis fpc detail | no-more
show chassis fpc pic-status | no-more
show chassis environment | no-more
show chassis routing-engine | no-more
show version invoke-on all-routing-engines | no-more
## Based on Platform
show chassis fabric reachability | no-more
show chassis fabric fpcs | no-more
show chassis fabric plane | no-more
show chassis fabric plane-location | no-more
show chassis fabric summary | no-more
## System Status
show chassis alarms | no-more
show system alarms | no-more
show system commit | no-more
show system core-dumps | no-more
## Interfaces Status
show arp no-resolve expiration-time | no-more
show interfaces diagnostics optics | no-more
show interfaces redundancy | no-more
show interfaces terse | match “up up” | count | no-more
show interfaces terse | match down | count | no-more
show interfaces terse | match down | no-more
show interfaces descriptions | match up | count | no-more
show interfaces descriptions | match down | count | no-more
show interface terse | no-more
show interfaces extensive | no-more
## Route Summary
show krt queue | no-more
show route summary | no-more
show route forwarding-table summary | no-more
show lacp interfaces | no-more
show ppm adjacencies detail | no-more
## BFD
show bfd session detail | no-more
show bfd session extensive | no-more
show ppm adjacencies detail | no-more
show vrrp | no-more
show isis interface | no-more
show isis interface detail| no-more
show isis adjancency | no-more
## BGP
show bgp summary | no-more
show bgp neighbor | no-more
## LDP
show ldp interface | no-more
show ldp neighbor | no-more
show ldp session | no-more
## VLAN and IRB
show vlans |no-more
show interfaces irb terse |no-more
## Storage
show system storage invoke-on all-routing-engines | no-more
## Configuration backup and RSI
show system commit | no-more
show configuration | no-more
show configuration | display set | no-more
request support information | no-more
show log messages | no-more
show log chassisd | no-more

For Cisco IOS-XR-related health check commands, refer to Cisco IOS-XR Pre & Post Upgrade Installation Commands

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