These are the steps in upgrading Juniper Routers. This was tested using the JunOS SRX router.
Assumption: JunOS is downloaded and stored in an FTP server.
Step1: Download the necessary image from the FTP server. Save it in the /var/tmp folder.
user1@SRX-Router1> file copy ftp://user1@ /var/tmp/
Password for user1@
/var/home/user1/…transferring.file………ush100% of 1127 MB 5426 kBps 00m00s
Password for user1@
/var/home/user1/…transferring.file………ush100% of 1127 MB 5426 kBps 00m00s
Step2: Verify the software package
user1@SRX-Router1> file list /var/tmp | match junos
user1@SRX-Router1> file list detail /var/tmp | match junos
-rw-r–r– 1 user1 wheel 1182081022 Jun 2 12:57 junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz
Step3: Upgrade the device (sample output below)
user1@SRX-Router1> request system software add /var/tmp/junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz reboot
NOTICE: Validating configuration against junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz.
NOTICE: Use the ‘no-validate’ option to skip this if desired.
Checking compatibility with configuration
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_1_0
Verified junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz signed by PackageProduction_19_2_0
Using /var/tmp/junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz
Checking junos requirements on / Avaiuser1le space: 542690 require: -228484
Saving boot file package in /var/sw/pkg/junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_19_2_0
Hardware Database regeneration succeeded
Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz mgd: commit complete
Validation succeeded rm: /cf/var/validate/chroot/mfs/var/etc/pam.conf: Operation not permitted
rm: /cf/var/validate/chroot/mfs/var/etc: Directory not empty
rm: /cf/var/validate/chroot/mfs/var: Directory not empty
rm: /cf/var/validate/chroot/mfs: Directory not empty
rm: /cf/var/validate/chroot: Directory not empty
Installing package ‘/var/tmp/junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz’ …
Verified junos-boot-vSRX-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz signed by PackageProduction_19_2_0
Verified junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8 signed by PackageProduction_19_2_0
Available space: 521688 require: 4724
WARNING: junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8 is already installed,
WARNING: moving it aside.
Saving boot file package in /var/sw/pkg/junos-boot-vSRX-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz
JUNOS 19.2R1.8 will become active at next reboot
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/junos-vsrx-x86-64-19.2R1.8.tgz …
Saving state for rollback … Rebooting … shutdown: [pid 12377]
Shutdown NOW!
user1@SRX-Router1> *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@SRX-Router1 ***
Step4: Verify package after reboot.
lab@SRX-Router1> show version
Hostname: SRX-Router1
Model: srx
Junos: 19.2R1.8
JUNOS OS Kernel 64-bit
JNPR-11.0-20190517.f0321c3_buil [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11]
JUNOS OS libs [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11]
JUNOS OS runtime [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11] JUNOS OS time zone information [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11] JUNOS OS libs compat32 [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11]
JUNOS OS 32-bit compatibility [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11]
JUNOS py extensions [20190621.152752_builder_junos_192_r1] J
UNOS py base [20190621.152752_builder_junos_192_r1]
JUNOS OS vmguest [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11] lab@SRX-Router1> show version Hostname: SRX-Router1 Model: vsrx
Junos: 19.2R1.8
JUNOS OS Kernel 64-bit
JNPR-11.0-20190517.f0321c3_buil [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11]
JUNOS OS libs [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11]
JUNOS OS runtime [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11] JUNOS OS time zone information [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11] JUNOS OS libs compat32 [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11]
JUNOS OS 32-bit compatibility [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11]
JUNOS py extensions [20190621.152752_builder_junos_192_r1] J
UNOS py base [20190621.152752_builder_junos_192_r1]
JUNOS OS vmguest [20190517.f0321c3_builder_stable_11]
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