Commit and Rollback Configuration on Huawei Routers

Here are the steps on committing/saving and rollback configuration on Huawei Routers



commit label <String 1-256>

Change1: Change description on Ether-Trunk88
Change2: Enable ipv6

[~Huawei]interface Eth-Trunk88
[*Huawei-Eth-Trunk88]description Connection to Router1
[*Huawei-Eth-Trunk88]commit label Eth88Desc description Eth88IntDesc
[~Huawei-Eth-Trunk88]ipv6 enable
[~Huawei-Eth-Trunk88]commit label Eth88v6Enable


display configuration commit list
display configuration commit list verbose


[~Huawei-Eth-Trunk88]display configuration commit list
No. CommitId Label User TimeStamp
1 1000000044 Eth88v6Enable admin 2023-07-06 22:34:42
2 1000000043 Eth88Desc admin 2023-07-06 22:34:26


rollback configuration last <commit ID>
rollback configuration to label <commit label>
rollback configuration to commit-id <commitID>
rollback configuration to file <filename>

last Rollback to the configuration before the recent configuration commits
to Rollback to the configuration after the specified commit label

Rollback to the Change2 only (Enable IPv6)

<Huawei>rollback configuration to label Eth88v6Enable
Warning: This operation will revert configuration changes to the previous status. During the rollback configuration process, some configurations involving differences may be temporarily invalid. Continue? [Y/N]:y
Info: There is no configuration difference between the specified checkpoint and the recent checkpoint.

Note: This will generate a message like this since there’s no configuration after the last commit

<Huawei>rollback configuration to label Eth88Desc
Warning: This operation will revert configuration changes to the previous status. During the rollback configuration process, some configurations involving differences may be temporarily invalid. Continue? [Y/N]:Y
Loading rollback changes
Check rollback result
Configuration rollback succeeded.
Please use ‘display configuration commit changes last 1’ to view the changes.


display configuration commit changes last <Commit ID>

<Huawei>display configuration commit changes last 1
Building configuration
interface Eth-Trunk88
– ipv6 enable

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